#include "si5351.h" #include "Wire.h" Si5351 si5351; void setup() { bool i2c_found; // Start serial and initialize the Si5351 Serial.begin(57600); i2c_found = si5351.init(SI5351_CRYSTAL_LOAD_8PF, 25000000, 0); if(!i2c_found) { Serial.println("Device not found on I2C bus!"); } // Set CLK0 to output 1550 KHz...uscita r.f. su CLK0 si5351.set_freq(155000000ULL, SI5351_CLK1);//1550 Khz onde medie tx...999khz=99900000ULL....1638khz=163800000ULL si5351.drive_strength(SI5351_CLK0,SI5351_DRIVE_10ma);//PWR OUT SI5351...2ma=2Mw....8ma=10Mw // Query a status update and wait a bit to let the Si5351 populate the // status flags correctly. si5351.update_status(); delay(500); } void loop() { // Read the Status Register and print it every 10 seconds si5351.update_status(); Serial.print("SYS_INIT: "); Serial.print(si5351.dev_status.SYS_INIT); Serial.print(" LOL_A: "); Serial.print(si5351.dev_status.LOL_A); Serial.print(" LOL_B: "); Serial.print(si5351.dev_status.LOL_B); Serial.print(" LOS: "); Serial.print(si5351.dev_status.LOS); Serial.print(" REVID: "); Serial.println(si5351.dev_status.REVID); delay(10000); } [/code]